








聯絡 心理學系

校內分機(07) 321-5422 轉 836

郵件 lch@kmu.edu.tw


u  東吳大學心理學系學士

u  陽明大學神經科學所博士   


u  2008/09-2010/11陽明大學腦科學研究中心專任博士後研究員

u  2011/01-2011/07東吳大學認知與神經經濟學實驗室專任博士後研究員

u  2011/08-2013/07交通大學/中國醫藥大學生醫電子轉譯研究中心/生醫工程研發中心專任博士後研究員

u  國際期刊Frontiers in Decision Neuroscience專刊客座副主編(Guest Associate Editor): 專刊名稱 (Iowa Gambling Task: 20 years after) (2012~)

u  美國國家科學基金會「決策, 風險與管理科學」計畫(Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program at the National Science Foundation) 審查委員(Project Reviewer) (2012~)



  1. Lin, C.H., Chiu, Y.C.*, Lee, P.L., & Hsieh, J.C. (2007). Is deck B a disadvantageous deck in the Iowa Gambling Task? Behavioral and Brain Functions (3):16 (SCI-E)
  2. Chiu, Y.C., & Lin, C.H.* (2007). Is deck C an advantageous deck in the Iowa Gambling Task? Behavioral and Brain Functions (3):37 (SCI-E)
  3. Chiu, Y.C., Lin, C.H.*, Huang, J.T.*, Lin, S., Lee, P. L., & Hsieh, J. C. (2008). Immediate gain is long-term loss: Are there foresighted decision makers in the Iowa gambling task? Behavioral and Brain Functions (4):13 (SCI-E)
  4. Lin, C.H., Chiu, Y.C.*, Cheng, C.M., & Hsieh, J.C.* (2008). Brain Maps of Iowa Gambling Task. BMC Neuroscience (9):72 (SCI-E)
  5. Lin, C.H., Chiu, Y.C.*, Huang, J.T.* (2009). Gain-loss frequency and final outcome in the Soochow Gambling Task: a reassessment. Behavioral and Brain Functions (5):45. (SCI-E)
  6. Lin, C.H., Tuan, H.P., & Chiu, Y.C.* (2010). Medial frontal activity in brand-loyal consumers: A behavioral and Near-Infrared Ray study. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics. 3:2,59-73. (APA Journal)
  7. Lin, C.H., Song, T. J., Lin, Y. K., Chiu, Y.C.* (2012). Mirrored Prominent Deck B Phenomenon: Frequent Small Losses Override Infrequent Large Gains in the Inverted Iowa Gambling Task. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47202. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0047202. (SCI-E)
  8. Lin, C.H., Song, T.J., Chen, Y.Y., Lee, W.K., Chiu, Y.C.* (2013). Reexamining the validity and reliability of the clinical version of the Iowa gambling task: Evidence from a healthy subject group. Front. Psychol. 4:220. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00220. (SCI-E)
  9. Wang, C.C., Lin, C.H., Chiu, Y.C. and Tseng, C.C.* (2013) The clonic phase of seizures in patients treated with electroconvulsive therapy is related to age and stimulus intensity. Front. Psychiatry 4:166. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2013.00166
  10. Lin, C.H., Chen, C.M, Lu, M.K., Tsai, C.H., Chiou, J.C., Liao, J.R., Duann, J.R.* (2013). VBM reveals brain volume differences between Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor patients. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 7:247. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00247. (SCI-E)
  11. Lee, W.K., Su, Y.A., Song, T.J., Chiu, Y.C.*, Lin, C.H.* (2014) Are Normal Decision-Makers Sensitive to Changes in Value Contrast under Uncertainty? Evidence from the Iowa Gambling Task. PLoS ONE 9(7): e101878. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.010187




  1. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Yeh, T.C.(葉子成), Kung, S.J.(龔淑仁), Kuo, W.J.(郭文瑞), Chou, C.C.(周志哲), Cheng, C.M.(鄭州閔), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2002). Application of fMRI for presurgical localization of vital areas in patients with organic brain diseases. In中華民國基礎神經科學學會2002年會員大會暨學術研討會。台北:國防醫學院。
  2. Kung, S.J.(龔淑仁), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Lee, P.L.(李柏磊), Chou, C.C.(周志哲), Cheng, C.M.(鄭州閔), Wu, Y.T.(吳育德), Yeh, T.C.(葉子成), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2002). Bimanual coordination and motor learning in piano players and non-musicians: A 3T fMRI study. In中華民國基礎神經科學學會2002年會員大會暨學術研討會。台北:國防醫學院。
  3. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Yeh, T.C.(葉子成), Kung, S.J.(龔淑仁), Kuo, W.J.(郭文瑞), Chou, C.C.(周志哲), Cheng, C.M.(鄭州閔), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2002). Application of fMRI for presurgical localization of vital areas in patients with organic brain diseases. In中華民國基礎神經科學學會2002年會員大會暨學術研討會。台北:國防醫學院。
  4. 徐峻賢, 邱耀初, 林錦宏。再訪Cooper與Shepard(1973a; 1973b)2-D心智旋轉作業。42屆台灣心理學年會。台北:輔仁大學。
  5. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lee, P.L.(李柏磊), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2004). The preferences of decision-making in IOWA Gambling Task: The testing of frequency effect and long-term outcomes in Somatic Marker Hypothesis. Oral presentation at the 2nd Conference on NeuroEconomics, Munster, Germany.
  6. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Huang, J.T.(黃榮村), Lin, S.(林舒予), Lee, P.L.(李柏磊), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2005). Immediate gain is long-term loss: Are there foresighted decision makers in Iowa gambling task? Oral presentation at the 3rd Annual Meeting of Neuroeconomics, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, U.S.A.
  7. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Lin, S.(林舒予), & Huang, J.T.(黃榮村) (2006). Reexamining the Effect of Long-term Outcome and Gain-loss Frequency: From Uncertainty to Certainty. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroeconomics 4th Annual Meeting, Park City, Utah, U.S.A.
  8. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, S.(林舒予), Wang, S.(王少玲), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), & Huang, J.T.(黃榮村) (2006). Is Isolation Effect in Prospect Theory A Rule or An Exception? Poster presented at the Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah, U.S.A.
  9. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Cheng, C.M.(鄭州閔), & Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2006). What is the real function of medial frontal cortex under a complete uncertainty? An fMRI study of the Iowa Gambling Task. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah, U.S.A.
  10. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, Y.K. (林郁凱), & Hsieh, J.C. (謝仁俊) (2006). Event-related skin conductance in response to immediate monetary gain-loss in the Soochow Gambling Task. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah, U.S.A.
  11. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Wu, C.H.(吳奇勳), Lee, P.L.(李柏磊), & Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊) (2006). Medial prefrontal activities represent immediate monetary outcomes in the Soochow Gambling Task: A Near-infrared Ray combined EEG study. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah,U.S.A.
  12. Peng, T. K., Jone, K. Y., Lin, C. C., Chen, Y. J.,& Su, A. L. (2001). Culture and managerial leadership : A comparison of Taiwan and other Chinese communities. 國科會專題研究計畫成果發表會,高雄。
  13. 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 蔡金龍。先前輸贏總量的經驗對風險決策之影響—再驗Gehring 賭局作業. 45 屆台灣心理學年會。台北:東吳大學。
  14. 邱耀初, 林錦宏, 顏毓萱, 蔡心媛 。情緒記憶可以被瞬間調控嗎?—一個以野溪跳水的冒險行為研究. 45 屆台灣心理學年會。台北:東吳大學。
  15. 邱耀初, 林錦宏。論心理學科普書籍準確性之問題:從《決斷 2 秒間》誤解文獻引發的誤導談起. 45 屆台灣心理學年會。台北:東吳大學。
  16. 邱耀初, 林錦宏, 林佳慧, 顏毓萱, 吳維仁。再訪 Slater 的 Rosenhan 假病人臨床診斷偏誤之研究. 45 屆台灣心理學年會。台北:東吳大學。
  17. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2007). Is deck E an advantageous deck in the inverted Iowa Gambling Task? Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  18. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Huang, J.T.(黃榮村) (2007). Growing evidence of prominent deck B phenomenon in Iowa Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  19. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lee, P.L.(李柏磊), Hsieh, J.C.(謝仁俊)(2007). Is deck B a disadvantageous deck in the Iowa Gambling Task? Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  20. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2007). Is deck C an advantageous deck in the Iowa Gambling Task? Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  21. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Huang, J.T.(黃榮村)(2007). Is decision-maker sensitive to expected value in the dynamic-uncertain gambles? Poster presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  22. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Tuan, H.P.(段旭玶), & Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2007). Medial frontal activity in brand-loyal consumers: a Near-Infrared Ray study. Poster presented at the the NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  23. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), & Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2007). Gender difference of sensitivity for
    gain-loss frequency in the Soochow gambling task. Poster presented at the 5th Annual
    Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Boston, MA.
  24. 林錦宏, 邱耀初。中央腹側額葉在東吳賭局情境下對應輸贏之反應—一個紅外光的研究。46屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  25. 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 蔡金龍。中央額葉皮質在 Gehring 賭局中的活動—一個紅外光的研究。46屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  26. 邱耀初, 林錦宏, 林佳慧。「面無表情」還是「表錯情」? 46 屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  27. 邱耀初, 林錦宏。Nassim Taleb 短視的投資策略:來自東吳賭局的模擬與解釋。46 屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  28. 邱耀初, 林錦宏。再驗青少年在愛荷華賭局中的表現。46 屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  29. 邱耀初, 林錦宏, 蔡心媛。青少年與成人在東吳賭局中的表現:一個與額葉成長牴觸的結果.46 屆台灣心理學年會。台南:成功大學。
  30. Lin C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin Y.K.(林郁凱), Tsai J.L.(蔡金龍)
  31. Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), & Hsieh, J.C. (謝仁俊) (2008) Brain maps of Soochow Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah.
  32. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Cheng, C.M.(鄭州閔), & Yeh, T.C.(葉子成) (2008) Brain maps of Iowa Gambling Task: From uncertainty to certainty. Poster presented at the 6th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics, Park City, Utah.
  33. 洪瑞君, 何佩蓉, 梁詒棻, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, 邱耀初。品牌與容器對冰淇淋品味之影響。 47 屆心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  34. 翁國豪, 林錦宏, 邱耀初。「說謊」與「眨眼模式」之關係-再訪 Fukuda(2001)測謊實驗。47 屆心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  35. 林錦宏, 俞尹筌, & 邱耀初。「手指長度比」與「臉孔特質和吸引力」之關係。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  36. 邱耀初, 林郁凱, 蔡金龍, 林錦宏。衝動型犯罪在東吳賭局作業中之表現: 以妨礙性自主犯罪個案為例。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  37. 林錦宏, 蔡金龍, 林郁凱, 邱耀初, (2008)。衝動型犯罪在東吳賭局作業中之表現: 以強盜搶劫犯罪個案為例。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  38. 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 宋祖駿, 廖文瑾, 曾志傑, 朱憶華。精神分裂症患者在東吳賭局作業中之表現。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  39. 邱耀初, 蔡金龍, 宋祖駿, 蔡心媛, 劉彥媖,& 林錦宏。城市與鄉村「中學生」在愛荷華賭局作業中之表現。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  40. 邱耀初, 蔡金龍, 宋祖駿, 蔡心媛, 劉彥媖,& 林錦宏。城市與鄉村「中學生」在愛荷華賭局作業中之表現。47 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:師範大學。
  41. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Huang, J.T.(黃榮村), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Wang, C.C.(王昭智), Yeh, D.R.(葉丁瑞), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2009). Comparing the uncertainty effects of two payment procedures under an extended series of 300 trials in the Soochow Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  42. Lin, C. H.(林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Wang, C.C.(王昭智), Yeh, D.R.(葉丁瑞), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Tseng, C.C.(曾志傑) (2009). Decision-making in the Iowa and Soochow gambling tasks by Patients on Methadone Therapy. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  43. Lin, C. H. (林錦宏), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Chen, Y.Y.(陳盈穎), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2009). Examining the validity in the clinical version of Iowa Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  44. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Lin, S.Y.(林詩潁), Yen, S.S.(顏世旭), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2009) Retesting the somatic feedback induced by caffeine in the Iowa Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  45. Lin, C. H.(林錦宏), Hung, R.J.(洪瑞君), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Yen, S.S.(顏世旭), Wang, C.C. (王昭智), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿) (2009) Reexamining the Aging Effect in the Iowa Gambling Task. Poster presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  46. 葉丁瑞, 曾文正, 林錦宏, & 邱耀初。降價幅度對零元效應之影響-以咖啡實境促銷為案例。 48 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:台灣大學。
  47. 魏仲琳, 王昭智, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, & 邱耀初。成年人在情緒臉孔判斷作業上的錯誤型態。 48 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:台灣大學。
  48. 林詩穎, 邱耀初, 黃姍婷, 邊沛翎, & 林錦宏。再探咖啡對額葉、枕葉之α波調控。48 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:台灣大學。
  49. 張嘉萱, 王昭智, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, & 邱耀初。眼神!真能傳遞基本情緒嗎? 48 屆臺灣心理學年會。台北:台灣大學。
  50. 曾楷婷, 宋祖駿, 王昭智, 林錦宏, & 邱耀初。Mu波與同理心之相關-情緒臉孔辨識作業之研究。台北:台灣大學。
  51. 王昭智, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, 涂宇慧, 邱耀初。慢性精神分裂症病患在情緒臉孔判斷作業的表現。臺灣臨床心理學會。第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會。台北:東吳大學。
  52. 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 李嘉富。精神分裂症患者在愛荷華賭局作業修改版中之表現.臺灣臨床心理學會。第四屆第一次會員大會暨學術研討會。台北:東吳大學。
  53. 張嘉萱, 王昭智, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 李嘉富。初探精神分裂症患者之「心智理論」能力:以眼神作業為例.臨床心理學與生命教育研討會。台北:輔仁大學。
  54. 魏仲琳, 王昭智, 宋祖駿, 林錦宏, 邱耀初, 李嘉富。初探慢性精神分裂症病患在基本情緒臉孔辨識作業之表現。臨床心理學與生命教育研討會。台北:輔仁大學。
  55. 曾楷婷, 宋祖駿, 王昭智, 林錦宏, 邱耀初。情緒臉孔辨識與同理心之相關研究。臨床心理學與生命教育研討會。台北:輔仁大學。
  56. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Tsai, P.C.(蔡伯健), & Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2010). Unique perspective with gain-loss frequency in the Iowa gambling task. Poster presented at the International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  57. Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), & Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2010). Gain-loss frequency may be an important index for depression diagnosis in the Iowa gambling Task. Poster presented at the International Conference of 4th Asian Congress of Health Psychology, Taipei, Taiwan.
  58. 李孝瀅, 涂宇慧, 翁麗媚, 陳思韵, 鄭薇薇, 簡誥霏, 邱耀初, 林錦宏。不同疼痛情境圖片對µ波反應之調控。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  59. 涂宇慧, 宋祖駿, 邱耀初, & 林錦宏。 尼古丁對於精神分裂患者決策行為之影響: 以臨床版愛荷華賭局作業為例。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  60. 陳思穎, 宋祖駿, 顏世旭, 林錦宏, & 邱耀初。臨床版愛荷華賭局作業與人格特質關係之探討。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  61. 潘怡誠, 宋祖駿, 林郁凱, 邱耀初, & 林錦宏。簡單版愛荷華賭局作業在精神分裂症病患中之表現。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  62. 葉丁瑞, 邱耀初, 黃奕仁, 鄒桂禎, & 林錦宏。再驗運動員與「食指與無名指長度比(2D/4D)」之關係。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  63. 張溥升, 林錦宏, 黃奕仁, & 邱耀初。初探運動的軀體標記變化對愛荷華賭局作業之影響。第49屆臺灣心理學年會。嘉義:中正大學。
  64. Song, T.J. (宋祖駿), DongFang, C.D. (東方介德), Lee, P.C. (李柏慶), Hsu, M.T. (徐銘庭), Chen, J.C. (陳鏡清), Tsou, K.C. (鄒桂禎), Lin, Y.K. (林郁凱), Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.*(邱耀初)(2011) Correlation between muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance and ratio of 2nd to 4th digit lengths in college students. The 6th Asian South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology Congress.
  65. Chen, S.Y.(陳思穎), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初)(2011) Reexamining individual variations in decision-making and personality traits: evidences from BIS/BAS and IGT/rIGT. In Annual Conference on Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  66. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Huang, J.T. (黃榮村), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2011) How black swans dance: the consecutive effect in the Soochow Gambling Task. In Annual Conference on Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  67. Chiu, Y.C. (邱耀初), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Huang, J.T. (黃榮村), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2011) Is skin conductance response combined Iowa gambling task an appropriate index for the Somatic Marker Hypothesis? In Annual Conference on Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  68. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Chiu, Y.C. (邱耀初) (2011) Temporal framing under uncertainty: degree of uncertainty correlates with myopic choice in the Soochow Gambling Task. In Annual Conference on Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  69. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Chiu, Y.C. (邱耀初) (2011) Is long-term outcome a main guiding factor in the original and reversed versions of the Iowa gambling task? In Annual Conference on Neuroeconomics. Evanston, Illinois.
  70. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Yen, S.S.(顏世旭), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏) (2011). Reevaluating the“Prominent deck B phenomenon”in the revised gamble with compounded version of IGT and inverse IGT. Poster presented at the 2011 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference. Munich, Germany.
  71. Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Tsai, J.L.(蔡金龍), Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, Y.K.(林郁凱), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2011) Reexamining effect on risk behavior of prior gain-loss in a dynamic gambling task. Poster presented at the 2011 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference. Munich, Germany.
  72. Song, T.J.(宋祖駿), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏), Shen D.B.(沈大白), Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初) (2011) Foresighted or myopic choice behavior in Iowa gambling task: Evidence from securities traders. Poster presented at the 2011 NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference. Munich, Germany.
  73. Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Chen, J.M. (陳君明) , Lu, M. K. (呂明桂), Tsai, C.H. (蔡崇豪), Chiou, J.C. (邱俊誠), Duann, J.R. (段正仁). VBM Reveals Brain Volume Differences between Essential Tremor Patients and Normal Controls. (2012) Symposium on Engineering Medicine and Biology Applications, Taichung, Taiwan.
  74. Chiou, J.C. (邱俊誠), Liang, S.C. (梁聖泉), Yen, C.H. (顏嘉宏), Chien, C.J. (簡俊仁), Lin, Y.J.(林永峻), Chang, T.F.(張天福), Meng, N. H.(孟乃欣), Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Duann J.R.(段正仁). EEG-controlled Table Bike for Neurorehabilitation Based on Sensorimotor-rhythm BCI. (2012) The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications. Nice, France.
  75. Duann, J.R. (段正仁), Chou, J.C. (周榮智), Liang, S.C. (梁聖泉), Lin, C.H. (林錦宏), Chiou, J.C. (邱俊誠). (2013) BCI-Controlled Videogame for Cerebral Palsy Children. The Fifth International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting. Pacific Grove, California, USA.





  1. 邱耀初, 林錦宏短視的決策者? 來自愛荷華/東吳賭局間的爭議. 中国神经科学与社会科学交叉学科研究进展。 浙江大學管理學院。
  2. Chiu, Y.C.(邱耀初), Lin, C.H.(林錦宏)*, & Huang, J.T. (黃榮村)* (2012) Prominent deck B phenomenon: Are decision-makers sensitive to long-term outcome in the Iowa Gambling Task? In Psychology of gambling: New research. Ed by AE Cavanna, Nova, New York.




Lin, C.H. (林錦宏):The effect of gain-loss frequency and expected value on choice behavior in the Iowa gambling task: Behavior, SCRs and fMRI studies. Ph.D. dissertation, Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang-Ming University. Advisors: Dr. Jen-Chuen Hsieh (Brain Imaging) Dr. Yao-Chu Chiu (Behavioral Decision)




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